The use of videos in order to optimize a page adds a new element to that webpage and may even give leverage against the competition in ranking. Is your company implementing videos on their page? If not they should be, because they are perfect for those consumers who do not enjoy sifting through text. Some customers would rather have an interactive advantage on the site they’re viewing.
Video optimization is different than plain text optimization and this infographic gives several key elements to best rank. To begin, video optimization involves the first step which is choosing a file name and saving the video. When saving, the best practice is to create a keyword-friendly name for the file so that it is an easy transition into the second step, a title. When choosing what title to select, it is important to perform keyword research and always target words that best represent your craft.
The next step in video optimization is the description. The description carries weight in effectively optimizing a video as well. The strategy behind the description includes finding rich, pertinent content as well as placing website links within the description (do not forget to place HTTP:// before the link or it will not show). After the description, tags and categories are also very valuable to SEO.
Both should involve research in order to group the video with similar videos, therefore allowing users to discover the video more easily.
As a final reminder, make sure the visibility is on public so that anyone can search for it. Without setting the visibility to public all optimization efforts would be meaningless. Remember once your video is completed you must post it on various video-sharing sites. YouTube is definitely the most popular video-sharing site, but it’s not the only video-sharing site that can be used.