Internet marketing is no longer only an option for businesses. Any business that is not currently doing any Internet marketing is missing out on a huge portion of new customers.
Here we have the most effective Internet marketing strategies and what is working best for marketers. Social media, blogging, search engine optimization, website pages, email marketing, and mobile marketing are now necessary staples for success.
As of 2012, 63% of companies have now adapted to using social media, because it has proved that it increases marketing effectiveness. Is your company currently on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest? By adapting to using social media, customers love to be engaged with, which helps them trust your brand and help build a lasting relationship.
Blogging has shown to generate leads, customers and more traffic. 88% more leads per month to be exact, in comparison to those who choose not to blog on their site.
Search engine optimization is important for all business types because the goal is always to be relevant in search results. It is extremely important for a business website to come out on the first page because studies show that 75% of internet searchers don’t go further than the first page in search results. To give you some perspective on how important SEO is, did you know that 89% of Internet users do research online before they decide to make a purchase?
Can you afford only being noticed by 11% of your market? As of 2013, statistics show that 56% of the US population is currently using a smart phone device. That doesn’t even take into account those who are not using a smart phone device, but can still search through a web browser. Being easily accessible in every form of Internet marketing is a huge opportunity for every business.
Are you currently taking advantage of every avenue available for attaining new customers? If not, what are you waiting for?